Treasures of the Pirate Necromancer Dice Collection LIVE IN KICKSTARTER!!

Treasures of the Pirate Necromancer Dice Collection LIVE IN KICKSTARTER!!

Your adventuring party has just taken down a necromancer of legendary status, now it's time for the good part...... LOOT!!!!!!!! 


Treasures of the Pirate Necromancer Dice Collection by Mark Franzen — Kickstarter

 *****Free random metal D20 for all Backers in the first 48 hours!!*****


The Pirate Necromancer has been using his undead minions to sink ships and bring back treasures since before mortal memory. Your party is enthralled as they pull relics and gems onto the beach to be divided.......


Dragon's Eye Dice with Gemstones

The Pirate Necromancer has been using his undead minions to sink ships and bring back treasures since before mortal memory. Your party is enthralled as they pull relics and gems onto the beach to be divided.......

Dragon's Eye Dice with Gemstones

As they tumble from a gilded box and catch the sun, your whole party is drawn to the three sets of hollow metal polyhedral dice. The Wizard picks one up, admiring the gems expertly set into every facet. 

"70 gems per set, a powerfully magic number, It is best us spell casters take charge of these" The Wizard declares as he quickly pockets one set and hands the others to the Druid and Sorceress.

"Wha... Lets not be too hasty!" Exclaims the Rogue, a look of mild mourning crossing her face as the last set of gem encrusted dice disappears into a belt pouch.

"Not to worry friend! There is plenty to go around!" The Bard jovially claps the Rogue on the back and pushes a Dagger into her hands.

Grim Dagger Dice Case (with sheath cover)

More treasures to be found here!!!



